Sunday, March 30, 2014

Installing BibleWorks 9 in Ubuntu Linux using Wine.

Why this is here...

I love Linux.  I also love BibleWorks.  Unfortunately, these two loves of mine don't play nice together.  BibleWorks only likes Windows and Mac. So, what's a Linux-loving BibleWorks junkie to do?  Well, there is a way to make everyone cooperate, and that is to create a sort of sandbox where BibleWorks thinks it's playing with Windows, when it's really Linux in Micro$oft clothing.  The "sandbox" is a lovely little project called "Wine".
In all honesty, this is here because, having done it once, I didn't want to lose my notes on how.  I update this as I am able.


 Wine is not a Windows emulator. In fact, that is what the name stands for (Wine Is Not an Emulator.) Wine is an implementation of the Windows API in Linux (an API is an Application Program Interface, how software talks to the operating system.) Wine allows many Windows-Only programs to run successfully in Linux. To get BibleWorks running well under Wine, you will need to know a few things that Windows users rarely need to do, like access a command line. If you are unsure after reading this that you know how to proceed, check with a friendly neighborhood experienced Linux user. (We're everywhere...)

Wine essentially comes in two variations, a commercially-supported version (from a company called CodeWeavers) and a community-supported version (called Wine.) There are a few small differences between CodeWeavers and Wine, and since CodeWeavers' product is commercially supported, we will limit ourselves to Wine.  There is also "Play on Linux" which is essentially Wine with some scripts to automate configuring Wine for specific software.  Since BibleWorks isn't on the list yet, we'll focus on Wine.

For reference, this was developed using Ubuntu 13.10 (a.k.a “Saucy Salamander”) in the 64-bit version.  It has been kept updated for later versions, however.  The use of a 64-bit Linux introduces a few small additional steps, which we will identify. Also, every Linux Distribution uses its own package management systems, so while these commands will work in Ubuntu (and with small changes, also in Debian) users of other Linuxim (Linuxot?) will need to use their equivalent native package manager commands (i.e. RPM [Redhat Package Manager] for Fedora.

Also, from here on out anything that looks like this is a command that you can copy-and-paste into a Terminal window. (Menu | Accessories | Terminal)  You never need to type the $ however, that just identifies a new line of text.  If you don't see a $ at the beginning of the line, it means that the line is a continuation of the previous line (don't hit "Return" yet)

Enough preamble, let's get to work...

Step 1: Install the most current Wine. 

Open a Terminal window to a command prompt (You will need your Linux password for any sudo command.)
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y upgrade
$ sudo apt-get -y install wine

Step 1a: (64-Bit ONLY)

Since BibleWorks 9 is a 32-bit application, and you're running a 64-bit version of Wine, there is a 32-bit library that, if we don't put it where Wine can find it, will consistently throw an error. It won't crash anything, but it will slow things down. 

In a web browser, go to:

NOTE: This link is for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.  For later versions, change "trusty" to the term from the list below:
  •  16.04 LTS = “xenial”
  •  15.10 = “wily”
  •  15.04 = “vivid”
  •  14.10 = “utopic”
  •  14.04 LTS = “trusty” **
**For those uninitiated to Ubuntu, "LTS" means Long Term Support.  LTS versions have guaranteed software and update support for 5 years.  They are also subject to a lot more stability testing.

Download this file from any of the mirrors listed, but do not install it. We only need 1 file from that package. Once you have downloaded that file, open your Download directory in Nautilus (or your preferred file manager), right click on the downloaded file and select Open With Archive Manager.

Have Archive Manager extract the .deb file. (Right Click on it in the File Manager, and select “Archive Manager”)

Back to the Command Line (this next is all on one line)
$ sudo cp ~/Downloads/usr/bin/trust /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11

Step 2: Install Internet Explorer 7 under Wine

BibleWorks requires Internet Explorer 7 in order to access the Help files and a number of other explanations of things. Without a 32-bit version of Internet Explorer 7, accessing Help will make things hang on you. Fortunately, we installed “winetricks” in Step 1, so we can just:
$ WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32ie7 WINEARCH=win32 winetricks ie7
IMPORTANT: Uncheck “Install the latest updates for Internet Explorer...” when that window comes up. Wait a bit...and click “Restart Later” at the end of the process. Wine will automatically do the things that Windows needs a “restart” to do.
UPDATE NOTE for Ubuntu 14.04 users: The version of winetricks that is installed from Ubuntu's repository is broken, because the script points to the wrong URL.  You will be better off with the following commands
$ wget
$ sudo cp ./winetricks /usr/local/bin
$ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/winetricks 

Step 3: Install Bibleworks 9

Put the first disk into your DVD drive. When you get the “Open in File Manager” click on OK. Then find “autorun.exe”, right click on it, and select “Wine Windows Program Loader”. From here, you're just installing BibleWorks just like you were in Windows, except that Linux won't automatically eject the disk when it's done with it. You'll have to right click on the disk in your File Manager and select “Eject Removable Media”

Step 4: Tell Linux where to find the BibleWorks Fonts

Cutting and pasting from BibleWorks into a Linux word-processor can yield some odd results if Linux doesn't know where to find the fonts. Easy to fix that, though.
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype/
$ sudo cp ~/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/Fonts/*.ttf /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype/
$ cd /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype
$ sudo fc-cache


  1. Thanks - very helpful. I can confirm that the same instructions work with Bibleworks 10.

    1. Steve -

      Just for the sake of completeness, what Linux are you using (Name and Version)?


  2. Hi Chris. This is two years after your post but I hope maybe you can help. I'm wanting to go to some version of Linux to avoid W10 (and I'm having a lot of trouble getting Linux to try,but that's another story). But I do need to make sure BibleWorks will function with Linux so it is good to see your post. Two questions: 1) what if BibleWorks is already installed? and 2) I have Windows 8 right now. Would that make a difference? This is REALLY important as I am a missionary who teaches online for a seminary in Mexico and my classes begin August 22. Blessings, Dean (

  3. Hi Chris. This is two years after your post but I hope maybe you can help. I'm wanting to go to some version of Linux to avoid W10 (and I'm having a lot of trouble getting Linux to try,but that's another story). But I do need to make sure BibleWorks will function with Linux so it is good to see your post. Two questions: 1) what if BibleWorks is already installed? and 2) I have Windows 8 right now. Would that make a difference? This is REALLY important as I am a missionary who teaches online for a seminary in Mexico and my classes begin August 22. Blessings, Dean (

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I was having trouble installing this using the downloadable ISO mounted to my file system. I found that extracting the ISO to a folder and then using autorun.exe did the trick.

  6. I have gone through this process three times in the last few years. Still a very helpful post. Thank you very much.
